Installation Guide for Heater Pads for Flexitanks-Fluid Flexitanks

Installation Guide for Heater Pads for Flexitanks

Flexitanks are the safest, most innovative, effective and economic way to transport bulk liquid items from one place to another. It helps to preserve the integrity of the non-hazardous liquids and products that are being transported. It is produced from a plastic material and works to make sure that the liquid items inside do not get contaminated in any way. You can also install heater pads with flexitanks when transporting temperature sensitive liquid such as oil and paraffin to stimulate the download.

The Workings and Installation of Flexitanks

Flexitanks need to be installed in 20” containers. Generally, it takes about 20-30 minutes to install. Following this, your container is ready for the cargo to be loaded into it. The installation of the flexitank can be carried out at the place of loading or even on the container terminal. After the installation has taken place, all that is left to do is attach your connecting device to the flexitank.

You can use the pump to start the loading process. This process can take about 20-40 minutes. After this your cargo is safe to travel. You can carry out the transportation process by land, sea or rail.

Related: Using A Fluid Flexitank Heater Pads When Transporting A Low Melting Point Liquid

Heater Pads for Flexitanks

Sometimes, thermal insulation is added to the flexitank. This ensures that it can suit the atmospheric conditions, the type of product it carries and temperature range. Heater pads for flexitanks are used to maintain the preferred temperature from the time of transportation all the way to the destination. The heater pad basically has a constant HDP/Valuflex hose. This ensures steam and hot water flow through freely to heat the product inside.

Preparing Heater Pads

Roughly speaking, heater pads are prepared in the following way:

  • Place the heater pad on the floor of the container; unroll it towards the front of the container. See that the hose is flat on the floor.
  • Line up the inlet/outlet hose to the back of the bulkhead panel. Make two holes at the bottom of the panel so you can pull the hose through easily.
  • Attach the inlet and outlet hoses of the heater pad to the hot water system (which is used at the discharge location).
  • Let the hot water travel until the temperature of the product has risen as per the requirement.

Advantages of Heating Pads

  • Heater pads for flexitanks are used to make the atmospheric condition suitable for the product being transported.
  • You can preserve the desired temperature at the start of the load right until it has to be unloaded at the desired location.
  • Behind the corrugated paper, there are lines of steel and rubber placed. This is placed at the time of the flexitank installation. It ensures adequate heat is provided to the product until melting so that download can be encouraged.
  • Heater pads are used for liquids that are easy to crystallize as the download can be carried out in a more rapid way.
  • Heater pads are reusable in nature and do not need to be discarded after one use itself.
  • You can use it to keep coconut oil, palm oil, animal fats, syrup, paraffin, paraffin wax and maltose at their required temperatures.

Heater pads are a great discovery and work to ensure the products are transported in a safe and temperature controlled environment. At Rishi FIBC, we can guide you on using heater pads for flexitanks. We are a leading manufacturer of flexitanks in India and can customize flexitanks as per your requirement.

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