Solving the Issue of Bulging Containers while Using Flexitanks

Solving the Issue of Bulging Containers while Using Flexitanks

Rishi Flexitanks Solutions is one of the biggest flexitank suppliers in India. The company assures production of reliable and state of the art flexitanks in their cutting-edge production facilities. Though flexitanks have been around the industry for quite some now, there are urgent queries of how purchasing some flexitanks cause problems such as damaged or bulged containers, Rishi Flexitanks has come up with an innovative technology called E-Flex or Easy Flexitank for completely solving bulging in flexitanks.

Why E-Flex Easy Flexitank?

While conventional flexitanks suggest safeguarding your liquids and your product, many have faced problems due to the intensive movement of the liquids in the flexitanks. Although, flexitanks are created to conserve liquids – the idea extensively backfires when the liquids in the flexitanks start to move and exert pressure on the side walls and bulkheads of container.

Since flexitanks only act as protective freight, the constant movement of liquid inside creates hydrodynamic forces. The bulging of flexitank is a result of these reactions. Furthermore, if frequent pressure is exalted on the cargo walls, then, not only the containers begin to bulge but also the liquids due to their internal reactions begin to pose as threats and dangers. Therefore, this bulging is a huge and major problem for shipping companies, industrial shippers and also other important industrial businesses.

If the bulges grow to become irreparable then automatically the flexitank’s material gets damaged making it unfit for reusage, and thereby reducing its economic viability. This poses as a huge malfunction for industries and unheedingly requires them to keep changing their containers – and thus, adding to their business costs. To prevent such unneeded, yet significant errors, E-Flex Easy Flexitank by Rishi Flexitank is the perfect solution.

How is Rishi’s Easy Flexitank Different?

E-Flex Easy Flexitank by Rishi Flexitank is constructed in an unconventional manner. It is designed in a pyramid shape, having two tanks on top of each other and thus, allows no pressure to be exerted on the container’s walls. This thus, controls the creation of hydrodynamic reactions and allows you to assured of the safe delivery of your product.

Moreover, E-Flex Easy Flexitank is such an interesting device that it can be used for any/all containers! It doesn’t create bulging because of its unique qualities and is also a trusted and reliable product. It can also be re-used if cleaned well, which then, also allows you to promote environmental sustainability and globally emphasize how your company supports a ‘go-green’ and eco-friendly atmosphere, as you’re recycling your product.

Why Should You Choose E-Flex Easy Flexitank by Rishi FIBC?

Our company’s mission statement is to produce and manufacture products which promise the finest quality. We’re a company which believes in delivering extreme customer satisfaction and highly dependable state of the art flexitanks. E-Flex Easy is one of the best products in the flexitank category because this is one of the best upgrades. By not allowing bulging on your containers, you’re not only upholding the safety of your cargo, but also establishing credibility with your clientele by showing them how your company invests in the best of technology.

Thus, by investing in the best technology products such as E-Flex Easy Flexitank by Rishi Flexitank you can increase the quality and effectiveness of your delivery processes, and also end up solving bulging in flexitanks.