How Rishi FIBC Flexitanks are designed to Tackle Bulging Containers Issue-Fluid Flexitanks

How Rishi FIBC Flexitanks are Designed to Tackle Bulging Containers Issue

Flexitanks are being highly preferred for transporting non-hazardous bulk liquid. While the shippers and forwarders are all-praise for this cost-efficient logistics solution, the issue of bulged containers bothers them at times. Considering this genuine concern, flexitanks manufacturers such as Rishi FIBC have come up with more advanced solutions that does away with the problem of damaged or bulged containers.

How the bulging happens

Conventional flexitanks are a giant-pillow like tanks designed to preserve the liquid while it is being transported from one place to another. When the liquid inside the tank starts moving hydrodynamic forces are generated. This stress is transferred to the container, which in-turn exerts the pressure on the bulkhead and on the side walls. If the bulkhead is sturdy, it is able to resist the pressure. Hence, the pressure gets directed to the container’s side walls. Very often the walls are unable to bear this pressure causing the sidewalls to bulge. The bulges are at times unrepairable and even they are repaired, the walls weaken and so the lifespan of the container is reduced. The problem is both for the shipping lines as well as for the shippers as each tries to pass the cost of the damage on to the other. Hence the supply chain is impacted.

What’s the solution for Bulging Containers?

To address the issue of bulging in flexitanks, manufacturers such as Rishi FIBC have come up with an innovation in their flexitank design. The design of the Fluid Flexitank helps to reduce the movement of the liquid inside and hence the hydrodynamic forces are not generated.

The flexitanks are self-standing and their unique design help to keep them stable. As these flexitanks are designed in the shape of a pyramid, it does not exert any pressure on the bulkhead or on to the side walls of the container. The  flexitanks by Rishi FIBC are therefore much preferred as this help to do away with the issue of container damage and also the bulkhead becomes avoidable, thus making things easier for shippers.

Another great advantage of using flexitank is that it can be used with almost any container. In the case of conventional flexitanks, there are several restrictions for the selection of the containers. This is because conventional flexitanks transfer pressure from the liquid inside to the walls of the container and hence they depend heavily on the strength of the container. However, flexitanks being self-standing, do not exert any pressure on the container walls and therefore do not require any strong containers. They can do with any container that is functional, well-maintained and well-cleaned.

Related: Solving the Issue of Bulging Containers while Using Flexitanks

Contact Rishi FIBC

Rishi FIBC is a prominent manufacturer of new age Flexitanks that have eliminated the problem of container damage and bulging. Shippers and logistics providers keen to know more about the advantages of flexitanks or to place an order for custom-made flexitanks, please contact Rishi FIBC today. Our representatives will be glad to attend to your call and queries.

Get in touch with us call: +91-2662-227100