Rishi FIBC manufactured PE Liner to delivers unparalleled performance levels across various market sectors. It is provided with eyelets and this product is 60 inches tall. Spillage related issues become nonexistent because our PE Liner works as a secondary containment system and the sleeve extends beyond the valve for the bottom discharge tanks to provide a compact extra protection.

PE Liner Applications

Our PE Bin can be used to provide extra protections while transporting a wide range of non hazardous and non viscous food grade and nonfood grade cargoes like natural and synthetic latex, polyols, process oils, optical brighteners, printing inks, plasticizer alcohols, salt solutions, tall oil fatty acid, synthetic resins, surfactants, beer, edible oils, sorbitol, food additives, amino acid, fruit juice concentrates, mineral water, fortified wines and many more.

Custom Applications

Rishi FIBC offers fully customized PE Bin film for flexitanks with capacity ranging from 16 KL to 24 KL according to the unique requirements of each customer.

Benefits of PE Liner for Flexitanks

    • Works as a secondary containment system
    • Protruding sleeve extends out over the valve to offer added protection
    • Extremely effective for bottom discharged tanks
    • Spillage becomes a distant reality
    • Made using the same PE film that goes into its flexitank