Flexitanks Are Vital For Sustainable Logistics-Fluid Flexitanks Manufacturer in India

Flexitanks Are Vital For Sustainable Logistics

In any business dealing in goods, logistic industry is the key to its success. It is because logistic industry functions as the legs of the business on which the business stands and also acts as the wheel that drives business to success or failure. It is because of this gruesome nature of logistics industry, it is highly important to develop a sustainable solution for logistic industry to overcome the challenges that businesses may encounter.

In order to sort this issue at Fluid Flexitanks we bring you Flexitanks the perfect sustainable solution for logistic problems of your business.

Let’s walk you through what are Flexitanks and how they can help in providing a sustainable solution to your business.

What are Flexitanks?

Flexitanks are the latest iteration in the development of bulk liquid storage containers for non- hazardous liquids. A flexitank is a mass fluid storage compartment whose walls comprise of different layers of polyethylene. The internal walls are made of adaptable polyethylene while the external walls are made of a more grounded joined material called polypropylene. Since the mass of a flexitank is flexible, it makes sense that it requires an outside design to help it when it has been topped off with a fluid. By utilizing previously existing standard steel containers, Flexitanks are giving a more secure, better, and more savvy option in contrast to modified delivery big containers for mass fluid transportation.

Now that we know what Flexitanks are, let’s walk you through what is sustainable logistics and how Flexitanks can help in providing sustainable solution.

What is Sustainable Logistics?

Sustainable logistics is described as the production and distribution of goods in a manner that is environmentally, financially, and socially beneficial while eliminating wastage and conserving resources in the process.

Now let’s take a look at how flexitanks can contribute to sustainable solution.

How Flexitanks provide Sustainable Solution?

Modes of transportation, such as Drums and IBC totes, do not provide a sustainable solution for bulk liquid delivery. As such flexitanks steps in to provide sustainable solutions by drastically reduce carbon emissions (for sea transport especially). Second, they eliminate waste by allowing cargo to be carried in a single container rather than a slew of barrels or IBCs. Finally, Flexitanks are recyclable, with some even being designed to be reused. Further, our flexitanks are ISO certified which ensure implementation of measures that helps, in continuously improving our overall process including our products to bring down environmental impact, wastage, while improving productivity and conserving resources. This in turn will allow flexitanks to develop a sustainable solution for your logistic business.

Read more: Flexitanks Solves A Number Of Challenges With Spirits Logistics

So if you are looking for a sustainable solution for your business logistics then, flexitanks are just what you need. To know more about flexitanks get in touch with us call: +91 2662 227 100 , we would be happy to help you.

Why Choose Fluid Flexitanks?

Fluid Flexitanks manufactures’ premium quality Flexitanks that is ideally suited for storing and transportation of bulk liquids including food grade materials. The Flexitanks are manufactured by adhering to all the set standards so that none of the users get even a single chance to complain about our products. With several years of experience and expertise, Fluid Flexitanks is one of the industry leaders in manufacturing Flexitanks that can help you boost you bulk liquid business.