Things You Need to Keep in Mind for Flexitanks - FluidFlexitank

Things You Need to Keep in Mind for Flexitanks

Flexitanks might be one of the best options for transportation of bulk liquids. It is not only a cost effective option but also it necessarily saves a lot of time while loading and unloading. This is the highly beneficial and hence the users prefer to use the flexitanks for transportation of bulk liquids. But at the time of using flexitanks you need to keep a few important things in mind which are as mentioned below.

  • At the beginning, you need to keep in mind that flexitanks are disposable containers. The containers once used cannot be used again. But the best part about flexitanks is that they can be recycled and then used again thereby making them friendly to the environment.
  • Secondly, it is to be remembered that flexitanks are not to be used with transportation of refrigeration container for safety purposes and hence best to be avoided.
  • If you are looking forward to transport chemistry, it is only allowed after an analysis of the material safety data sheet. If the preliminary analysis is fine, then transportation of chemistry is allowed.
  • Another of the very important point to be kept in mind at the time of using flexitanks is that there should be no discrepancy between the cargo carrying capacity weight and flexitank container. It is to be noted that the weight should never ever exceed more than five to six tons as per the density of the cargo.
  • At the time of storing liquid or temporary storage of liquid in the flexitank, it is better to go for polymer flexitank flexible reservoir which should be necessarily mounted on a flat surface.

Read more: Shipping With Flexitanks And Its Advantages

Now, at this point of time, it can be clearly understood as to how important it is to keep the point mentioned above in mind at the time of using flexitanks.

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